Tag Archives: czarfacemeetsghostface

Czarface – Czarface Meets Ghostface (2018), LP, Reissue

Czarface – Czarface Meets Ghostface (2018), LP, Reissue

“Czarface meets Ghostface” brings strictly mind melting beats and bars as 3 emcees clash like villains & heroes in the Savage Land. Czarface, a hip-hop & comics force comprised of WU-TANG CLAN General Inspectah Deck, Esoteric (who recently penned an X-Men comic for Marvel) and super  producer 7L team up with Ghostface aka Iron-Man aka Tony Starks for murderous mayhem! Czar commando’s Rebel INS & Esoteric trade lines such as “follow in my footsteps might tear your Achilles,” & “flow customized got that Dapper Dan touch” with Ghost on the assist “chain is off the cooler, charm look like a shrunken head”. With track titles like “The King Heard Voices”, “Mongolian Beef”, “Czarrcade ’87”, “Masked Superstars” & “Powers and Stuff” expect nothing short of a super charged collaboration!

Release date: 11.02.2022